Learning to soar above the pains and hurts this world delivers.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

You know you're a special needs mom if...

So many of us SN moms have been through the same struggles. Though we all have our own individual problems and situations, there are some near universal struggles we go through. I thought it would be fun to make a post about some of them! (I'm sure to leave off a LOT, please don't feel offended if some that are important to you aren't listed - I only have one SN child and only his specific set of struggles to go by!)

You know you're a special needs mom if...
  • ...you keep snacks EVERYWHERE. Cars, purses, kitchen, living room, gym bags...
  • ...one of the most dreaded things on your calendar is an IEP meeting.
  • ...you silently analyze other kids you see hoping to spot another mom you can bond with.
  • ...you're lucky to get three actual meals in a day.
  • ..."being social" for yourself is no longer something you think about daily.
  • ...you've found showers to be a luxury. 
  • ...meal planning is akin to gouging out your own eyeballs.
  • ...you keep toys in all the same places you keep snacks. 
  • ...you are always on heightened anticipation mode.
  • ...you have revamped all of your furniture to be sensory-easing.
  • ...there are stretchy bands and rings and water filled balls EVERYWHERE.
  • ...you sometimes have to get creative to keep your marriage a priority.
  • ..."fidgeting" is a completely different term to you as a parent than when you weren't one.
  • ...you feel you have a 6th sense where your child is concerned.
  • ...you've spent more time at the doctor for your kids than you have for yourself your whole life.
  • ...you wonder if there just aren't that many school birthday parties or if your kid is being singled out.
  • ...you have a plethora of acronyms most people don't understand, that you use in every day conversation.
  • ...you swear you'll lose your top if ONE MORE PERSON offers you unasked for advice.
  • ..."Oh my kid does that too" usually is NOT comforting.

Yeah, I could go on for DAYS. What would you add to this list?