Learning to soar above the pains and hurts this world delivers.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Impossible? nope.

My life has always been, let's say tumultuous.
I have always had health issues, since I was born. Always got any illness that came around, and worse than most other people. I've had a physical disability that left me walking on only the ball of my left foot, Acne galore, eczema, sensitivity to all sorts of things, lactose intolerance, kidney stones... you name it.

I've also always had some sort of emotional turbulence going on. I remember my parents fighting constantly as a small child. I remember TVs being thrown across the room, screaming, hitting... all while hiding in the closet or sobbing on my big brother's bedroom floor from fear. My parents divorced when I was very young. I rarely saw my mom after that, not due to her own choice. She was forbidden from coming to my birthday parties and such. I kind of had to teach myself to be a woman (I still get things wrong that most other woman have known since middle school), including the whole menstrual aspect. I grew up with just my dad, then my step-mom added to the mix in high school, but I never had a close relationship with either of them.

That leads into my relationship woes. I started dating early. Lost my virginity probably earlier than I should have. Dated just about anyone who showed interest. Had sex with them just to feel loved. Typical low self esteem teenage girl with daddy issues. Haha I held on to those issues all the way until I married my exhusband. No one I knew thought I should do it. I'd only known him 7 months, I converted to Christianity for him, he was mentally/emotionally abusive, and bi-polar. I got sucked in, and then got stuck. Had two kids, probably hoping they'd change him and give me someone to love that would love back. Then the divorce and all THAT drama.

I've been through a lot, obviously, and I have only scratched the surface of my life's dramas.

But now... this new era I'm being forced into against my will... This is the hardest thing I've ever gone through. And my best friend and mommy are both on the other side of the country. Thankfully I have a large support system here with TJ and his family, but it's still hard.
No... I can't give details yet, as I don't even know them all. I'm sure I'll be letting the cat out of the bag soon. Hopefully good news.

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